OK, Im currently on a business trip in Europe. Desperate to watch the Deutche Bank Championship from TPC Boston. Not on TV in Belgium, so excited to find this app.
The app description says "Exclusively on LIVE: Watch Stenson and Rickie battle for lead at TPC Boston."
Great! I pay the 5 or 6 bucks and sign up. After watching the nearly 1 min ad (like TV!), was dismayed to discover this is for only 3 or 4 "exclusive" holes including #16 and #18, with what seemed to be excessive breaks with just the leaderboard showing. Did manage to watch the lead group on #16, but then the broadcast signed off! They couldnt even bother to show #18! Im thinking "you gotta be kidding!".
I assume cuz they ran out of time, but really? Were paying for this, why not extend the coverage a few minutes like the TV guys do?
Im canceling my subscription right now. May as well just listen on the radio for free.